a film and music production company

Hi. We're PRETTY PECULIAR PRODUCTIONS, we are a film production company composed of 5 individuals from Brooklyn, NY who love the world of cinema. We are intent on writing and producing films that range from comedy to drama to horror.

Here comes the boogie-man...

4 day's left until the funding campaign for "Lucifer's Bride" begins with Indiegogo. Something kinda weird happened today...I tried to register with Google Analylitics and got to the "terms and conditions" page. As I scrolled all the way down to find the "accept" button it was nowhere to be found (how do you say annoying?) Anyhoo, this is not a required field with Indiegogo and I totally have other things to do. Tomorrow will be Paypal. Sweet dreams!


Here is the new Contribution categories for donations...


•Executive Producer ($5,000): All the benefits of Producer plus...


- 10 VIP passes to LUCIFERPALOOZA! with designated reserved seats.

-Private reception before the screening for all 10 VIP passes.


•Producer ($2,500): All the benefits of Cinematic Angel plus...


-8 VIP passes to LUCIFERPALOOZA! with designated reserved seats.

-On screen acknowledgement.


•Cinematic Angel ($1,000): All the benefits of Cinematic Friend plus...


-6 VIP passes to LUCIFERPALOOZA! with designated reserved seats.

-Film gift bag that goes with each VIP pass.


•Cinematic Friend ($500): Your name in credits.


-2 VIP passes to LUCIFERPALOOZA! with designated reserved seats.


Many thanks,

